<?php namespace fox; use Exception; use DOMDocument; use ZipArchive; use DOMXPath; /** * * Class fox\oasis * * @copyright MX STAR LLC 2021 * @version 4.0.0 * @author Pavel Dmitriev * @license GPLv3 * */ class oasis { protected $srcFileName; protected $srcFileType; protected $newFileName; protected $newFileIsTemporary = true; protected $dom; protected $dom2; protected $tmpath = "/tmp"; protected $parent; protected $parent_node; protected $oldnode; protected $odsParams = []; public function __construct($srcFilePath = null, $tmpath = null) { if (! empty($tmpath)) { $this->tmpath = $tmpath; } if (! empty($srcFilePath)) { $this->loadODF($srcFilePath); } } public function loadODF($srcFile) { $mimeType = file_get_contents("zip://" . $srcFile . "#mimetype"); if (! $mimeType) { throw new Exception("Unable to determine file type of " . $srcFile); } switch ($mimeType) { case "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text": $this->srcFileType = 'odt'; break; case "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet": $this->srcFileType = 'ods'; break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown file type: $mimeType"); } $this->srcFileName = $srcFile; $this->dom = new DOMDocument(); $this->dom->load("zip://" . $this->srcFileName . "#content.xml"); } public function saveODF($newFileName = null) { if (empty($newFileName)) { $uuid = common::getGUIDc(); if (file_exists($this->tmpath) && ! is_dir($this->tmpath)) { throw new Exception("TMPatn not a directory!"); } if (! file_exists($this->tmpath)) { mkdir($this->tmpath); } if (file_exists($this->tmpath . "/" . $uuid . "." . $this->srcFileType)) { $uuid = common::getGUIDc(); } $newFileName = $this->tmpath . "/" . $uuid . "." . $this->srcFileType; $this->newFileIsTemporary = true; } else { $this->newFileIsTemporary = false; } $this->newFileName = $newFileName; copy($this->srcFileName, $this->newFileName); $this->commit(); $xml = $this->dom->saveXML(); // file_put_contents("$tmpath/$guid/content.xml", $xml); $zip = new ZipArchive(); $res = $zip->open($this->newFileName); if ($res === TRUE) { $zip->addFromString('content.xml', $xml); $zip->close(); } else { throw new Exception("Unable to save result"); } return $newFileName; } public function export($type, $newFileName = null) { $ods = $this->saveODF(); return fileConverter::convert($ods, $newFileName, $type); } public function commit() { if ($this->srcFileType == 'ods') { $this->odsCommitParams(); } if (! empty($this->parent) && ! empty($this->parent->documentElement)) { // Импортируем созданый ранее элемент в текущее дерево $newnode = $this->dom->importNode($this->parent->documentElement, true); $this->oldnode->parentNode->replaceChild($newnode, $this->oldnode); $this->parent = null; $this->oldnode = null; $this->parent_node = null; $this->dom2 = null; } } public function odsCommitParams($erase_notfound_params = true) { if ($this->srcFileType != 'ods') { return false; } if (empty($this->odsParams)) { return true; } $xpath = new DOMXpath($this->dom); $nodelist = $xpath->query("/office:document-content/office:body/office:spreadsheet/table:table"); $this->oldnode = $nodelist->item(0); $this->parent = new DomDocument(); $this->parent_node = $this->parent->importNode($this->oldnode); foreach ($this->oldnode->childNodes as $t_node) { if ($t_node->nodeName == 'table:table-row') { foreach ($t_node->getElementsByTagname("*") as $t2_node) { $res = null; if ($t2_node->nodeName == 'text:p' && preg_match("/^<t:(.*)>$/", $t2_node->nodeValue, $res)) { if ((array_key_exists($res[1], $this->odsParams))) { $this->odsUpdateCellValue($this->odsParams[$res[1]], $t2_node->parentNode); } elseif ($erase_notfound_params) { $this->odsUpdateCellValue(null, $t2_node->parentNode); } } } } } $this->odsParams = null; } public function addParam($paramName, $paramValue) { if ($this->srcFileType == 'odt') { if (is_null($this->parent)) { $this->prepareODFParam(); } // Создаем дочерний элемент в структуре $child_node = $this->parent->createElement('text:user-field-decl'); $attribute = $this->parent->createAttribute("office:value-type"); $attribute->value = "string"; $child_node->appendChild($attribute); $attribute = $this->parent->createAttribute("office:string-value"); $attribute->value = $paramValue; $child_node->appendChild($attribute); $attribute = $this->parent->createAttribute("text:name"); $attribute->value = $paramName; $child_node->appendChild($attribute); $this->parent_node->appendChild($child_node); $this->parent->appendChild($this->parent_node); // закончили создавать дочерний элемент } elseif ($this->srcFileType == 'ods') { if (empty($this->odsParams)) { $this->odsParams = []; } ; $this->odsParams[$paramName] = $paramValue; } } public function odtTableRowAdd($tag, $row_count) { if ($this->srcFileType != 'odt') { return false; } if (is_null($this->dom2)) { $this->odtPrepareTableRowAdd(); } $nodelist = $this->dom->getElementsByTagname("user-field-get"); $table_row_node = null; foreach ($nodelist as $node) { if (! is_null($table_row_node)) { break; } ; $tag_class = explode('.', $node->getAttribute('text:name'), 2)[0]; if ($tag_class == $tag) { $n = $node; while (($n = $n->parentNode) && (is_null($table_row_node))) { if ($n->nodeName == 'table:table-row') { $table_row_node = $n; break; } } } } if (is_null($table_row_node)) { return - 1; } $table_node = $table_row_node->parentNode; $element = $this->dom2->importNode($table_node, false); foreach ($table_node->childNodes as $node) { $nn = $this->dom2->importNode($node, true); $nodelistS = $node->getElementsByTagname("user-field-get"); $nodeV = false; foreach ($nodelistS as $nodeS) { $tag_class = explode('.', $nodeS->getAttribute('text:name'), 2)[0]; if ($tag_class == $tag) { $nodeV = true; break; } } if ($nodeV) { // print "NODEV ".$nodeS->getAttribute('text:name')."\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $row_count; $i ++) { $element->appendChild($this->odtTableNodeAddIdx($table_row_node, $tag, $i)); } } else { // print "General Node\n"; $element->appendChild($nn); } } $newnode = $this->dom->importNode($element, true); $table_node->parentNode->replaceChild($newnode, $table_node); return 1; } public function odsInsertData($arr, $marker = '<d:start>') { if ($this->srcFileType != 'ods') { return false; } if (empty($this->parent)) { $xpath = new DOMXpath($this->dom); $nodelist = $xpath->query("/office:document-content/office:body/office:spreadsheet/table:table"); $this->oldnode = $nodelist->item(0); $this->parent = new DomDocument(); // $this->parent_node = $this->parent->createElement('table:table'); $this->parent_node = $this->parent->importNode($this->oldnode); } $marker_found = false; foreach ($this->oldnode->childNodes as $t_node) { if (! $marker_found && $t_node->nodeName == 'table:table-row') { foreach ($t_node->getElementsByTagname("*") as $t2_node) { if ($t2_node->nodeName == 'text:p' && $t2_node->nodeValue == $marker) { $marker_found = true; $t2_row = $t2_node->parentNode->parentNode; for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i ++) { $v_arr = $arr[$i]; $v_idx = 0; foreach ($t2_row->childNodes as $t2_cell) { $v_idx ++; if ($v_idx - 1 > array_key_last($v_arr)) { $val = null; } elseif (array_key_exists($v_idx - 1, $v_arr)) { $val = $v_arr[$v_idx - 1]; } else { $val = null; } $this->odsUpdateCellValue($val, $t2_cell); } $this->parent_node->appendChild($this->parent->importNode($t_node, true)); } continue (2); } } } $this->parent_node->appendChild($this->parent->importNode($t_node, true)); } $this->parent->appendChild($this->parent_node); } protected function odsUpdateCellValue($val, $t2_cell) { switch (gettype($val)) { case "string": $val_type = 'string'; break; case "integer": $val_type = 'float'; break; case "float": $val_type = 'float'; break; case "double": $val_type = 'float'; break; case "NULL": $val_type = 'null'; break; default: $val_type = 'string'; break; } foreach ($t2_cell->childNodes as $t2_child) { $t2_cell->removeChild($t2_child); } switch ($val_type) { case "string": $t2_cell->setAttribute("office:value-type", $val_type); $t2_cell->setAttribute("calcext:value-type", $val_type); $t2_cell->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('text:p', $val)); break; case "null": $t2_cell->removeAttribute("office:value-type"); $t2_cell->removeAttribute("calcext:value-type"); $t2_cell->removeAttribute("office:value"); break; case "float": $t2_cell->setAttribute("office:value-type", $val_type); $t2_cell->setAttribute("calcext:value-type", $val_type); $t2_cell->setAttribute("office:value", $val); break; } } protected function prepareODFParam() { $xpath = new DOMXpath($this->dom); $nodelist = $xpath->query("/office:document-content/office:body/office:text/text:user-field-decls"); $this->oldnode = $nodelist->item(0); $this->parent = new DomDocument(); $this->parent_node = $this->parent->createElement('text:user-field-decls'); } protected function odtPrepareTableRowAdd() { $this->dom2 = new DomDocument(); } protected function odtTableNodeAddIdx($row_node, $key, $idx) { $d2node = $this->dom2->importNode($row_node, true); $nodelist = $d2node->getElementsByTagname("user-field-get"); foreach ($nodelist as $node) { $tag_class = explode('.', $node->getAttribute('text:name'), 2)[0]; if ($tag_class == $key) { $node->setAttribute('text:name', $node->getAttribute('text:name') . $idx); } } return $d2node; } public function __destruct() { if ($this->newFileIsTemporary && file_exists($this->newFileName)) { unlink($this->newFileName); } } } ?>